
Knives stab at knots
in the lower left lumbar as
the bells toll
Willing forward motion
to give the dog
his morning walkies,
popping pills
to punch the clock just
to make the mortgage,
feet half step
half shamble
like walking dead
praying for poetry
to voice the silent scream.

Not really that bad this morning... but close. :)

Random Wisdom: Balance Quote

“There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have a feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well. So I take the memories as they come, accepting them all, letting them guide me whenever I can.” ~ Nicholas Sparks, Dear John

No-Prompt Thursday: June 20, 2013 (Prompt 7)

The Critic's Poniard

A flash of pugnacity
as whetted metal
stabs and stings--
every word
a subtle slice
to prolong the point
and make wounds weep.

Prompt Tuesday: June 18, 2013 (Image 9)

Unexpected Ember 

Caught in a web of memory,
she could not breathe.

His gruff tenor,
resounded from behind
the closed door--
warm to her ears
as it shattered
what was left of her heart.

To view the prompt go to:

Random Wisdom: Self-Realization Quote

“When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.” ~ Stephen Richards

No-Prompt Thursday: June 13, 2013

Wary on a Wednesday

Greeted by caution tape
strung outside my cubicle,
I paused wondering...

Was it was to warn me
of the tile work
out in the front hall or
of the emails
lying in wait for my log in?

Prompt Tuesday: June 11, 2013 (Image 8)

Momentary Lapse

A path to nowhere
in the middle of nowhere
centered somewhere
in the dark recesses of my mind.

Fighting a temptation toward panic,
I stand still
focused on being
now here.

To see the prompt go to:

Random Wisdom: Strength Quote

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ~ Lao Tzu

No-Prompt Thursday: June 6, 2013

Wallpaper from Wonderland

Swirls of bright hues offer
their pleasant distraction on
this dreary morning.

Having awakened with a brain
bustling and flipping
through the monstrous rolodex of things to do,
I find myself swept
into a curling embrace of color
whispering of Munch, Van Gogh
and the sweet,
sweet softness of Monet.

As the first clear chords of
"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"
echo in my internal ear,
I smile -- fully armed
against the day's rain.

*Thanks for the inspiration Bekkie!*

Prompt Tuesday: June 4, 2013 (Image 7)

A Bench with a View

Put me at ground zero
when the folly of men
push that demonic button.

Let me feed the ducks
and contemplate the clouds of
some serene vista
as I vaporize.

It is enough to be at the mercy
of political foolishness
without being made
to suffer its aftermath.

To see the prompt go to:

Random Wisdom: Right Action Quote

Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past. ~Tyron Edwards

No-Prompt Thursday: May 30, 2013 (Four)

Mounting Anticipation

Like stones on velvet
silent and shimmering,
the words lay
scrutinized under the poet's loop
scoured for inclusions,
imperfections, and

Pretty pieces,
precious but as yet unadorned,
patiently wait
for their proper setting.

A Promise Kept

  Post-it® Poem from April 30th on a 3x3 note. And that's it for this year! :) Thanks for following along...