Marking Books - WISHES: The Horror Book by G. W. Huber

Through the years I have had the privilege of editing all kinds of writing across many genres. WISHES: The Horror Book has been one of those remarkable gems that was as enjoyable to read as it was to work through. Like one of Michael Forcade’s paintings, WISHES: The Horror Book rolls out a tapestry of life with characters and family histories intricately interwoven into elaborate scenes as delicate as they are dark. Whether it be because of a young man struggling to speak or an old woman lonely for her dead husband, the reader is drawn into the fantasy of what one desires only to be reminded to “watch what you wish for.”

Straightforward and unapologetic, G. W. Huber creates a reality in which real-world difficulties bend and shift, shaped by the dreams of the desperate and the hands of something much more sinister.

Yes, I fully admit this one is close to my heart...

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